Payment & Collection Policy
Payment Policy
It is the policy of the Oswego Hockey Club that payment or arrangements for payment must be made before permission is granted to participate in any OHC event, including tryouts, practice, clinics or games. Failure to pay is grounds for summary suspension. Compliance with all financial obligations is an express condition of participation. Parents and participants may be refused admission to OHC events or facilities and may be asked to physically leave the premises. Parents and Participants may also be suspended from AHAI. Refunds are not granted.
The OHC understands that participation in the sport of hockey is becoming increasingly expensive. Under limited circumstances, alternative arrangements may be considered. However, it is incumbent upon the participants and their parents/guardians to petition the Board of Directors before any payment is due to make any such arrangements. The OHC also understands that from time to time economic circumstances may change during the course of a season. It is again incumbent upon the participants and their parents/guardians to petition the Board of Directors as soon as possible. All such requests are kept confidential.
Notwithstanding any of the above, it remains the sole responsibility of the participant and the parents/guardians to comply with all financial obligations. Any and all alternative arrangements are at the sole discretion of the OHC and all rights are reserved to the OHC.
The OHC does not provide any financial assistance at this time.
Collection Policy
A returned check will result in a charge of $30 and immediate financial suspension for the player. This includes practices, games, scrimmages and any team-related events, until the financial obligation has been met. A refused credit card charge will result in an immediate financial suspension for the player which includes practices, games, scrimmages and any team related events, until the financial obligation has been met.
Only families that abide by the above policy will be able to participate in tryouts and remain in “Good Standing” within the OHC. Any family that is not in Good Standing will not be allowed to participate in tryouts or any other OHC sponsored event
OHC will send written notification of the returned check or refused credit card and player financial suspension to the address listed on the registration form.
The OHC reserves the right to amend the payment policy at any time with or without prior notification to its members.
All rectification questions should be directed to the Treasurer.
Injury Policy
In the event that an injury occurs to a Participant during an on ice OHC game or practice or during a OHC organized off-ice training session and the injury causes the Participant to miss more than 50% of the regularly scheduled games, then the OHC will provide a prorated credit for the Participant’s benefit for the next regular season of play. In the case of a senior, refunds may be issued or credits may be applied to a younger sibling’s membership. The petition for credit must be accompanied by documentation from a physician, preferably the treating physician, verifying that the Participant is not able to participate as a direct result of the injury for the appropriate length of time. This injury credit process is at the sole discretion of the OHC and is determined at the completion of the season.