Rules and Ethics Policies

To review the entire Rules and Ethics Policy Manual, click here.

In an effort to make some policies easier to find, we have broken out 

those more commonly referenced.


1.02 - Zero Tolerance Policy (Found in the Rules and Ethics Policy Manual)


In an effort to keep ice hockey a more desirable and rewarding experience for all participants, The Oswego Hockey Club has adopted a policy requiring all participants, including but not limited to, the players, coaches, and parents/spectators to maintain a sportsmanlike and educational atmosphere before, during and after all OHC-sanctioned games. OHC is a member organization of the Amateur Hockey Association of Illinois and USA Hockey and, therefore, supports in full and is required to administer AHAI’s Zero Tolerance Policy as it pertains to member clubs. The Policy provides all participants and spectators direction in developing self-discipline, leadership, integrity and respect for the rules and for all participants, officials and spectators. AHAI has a very simple definition of Zero Tolerance. The definition is: Any lack of Respect or Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated and will be a violation of AHAI’s Zero Tolerance Policy. This campaign is designed to require all players, coaches, officials, team officials and administrators, parents and spectators to comply with the Zero Tolerance Policy. Each 4 organization, player, coach, official, parent and spectator is expected to enforce this Policy. In addition, AHAI has instructed the Officiating Program to adhere to certain points of emphasis relating to sportsmanship. These points were written and implemented to maintain a sportsmanlike and educational atmosphere before, during and after all USA Hockey sanctioned events. AHAI adopted the USA Hockey Zero Tolerance Policy that can currently be found on line at


1.03 – Twenty-Four (24) Hour Policy (Found in the Rules and Ethics Policy Manual)


There shall be no contact with any member of the coaching staff regarding an issue of concern for a 24 hour period following the occurrence of an issue of concern. Should there be an issue of concern after the 24 hour period has passed, the parent shall contact the Team Manager and schedule a meeting which shall be documented and attended by the manager and coaching staff. These documents shall be submitted to the OHC Rules and Ethics Committee for future reference, should the need arise. Should satisfaction not be accomplished by the meeting, the Rules and Ethics Chairperson shall notify and meet with the parties and the Rules and Ethics committee members. Should the matter be unresolved after the afore-mentioned meetings, the Board of Directors of the Oswego Hockey Club shall be notified and will schedule a meeting or respond in writing based on the complaint content. Penalty: Should this policy be violated the offending party may be subject to a suspension, or in severe situations, expulsion. The severity of the suspension shall be determined by the OHC Rules and Ethics Committee on a case by a case basis. In determining the appropriate penalty the OHC Rules and Ethics Committee shall review the past history of the offending party as well as the specific circumstances relating to the case.  

1.05 – Consumption Abuse Policy (Found in the Rules and Ethics Policy Manual)


It is the considered judgment of the Board of Directors of Oswego Hockey Club (hereinafter referred to as OHC) that consumption/use/abuse of mood altering substances is detrimental to a healthy state of mind, body, and spirit in an athletic participant. This is especially true for those participants aspiring to develop their talents in the furtherance of their playing, or coaching, or officiating careers in the sport of ice hockey. This policy shall similar to “Code of Conduct” policies for other District 308 High School sports activities. Substance Abuse Violation OHC prohibits all players, coaches or team officials from the use of mood altering substances during active participation in its games, practices, training sessions and sponsored programs/activities. For purposes of this policy, the words mood altering substances shall include but not be limited to the following: 1. Intoxicating beverages, including, but not limited to, alcohol. 2. Illegal drugs, including but not limited to, Cannabis. 3. Non-prescription or prescribed controlled substances. 4. Prescription or non-prescription controlled substances when used for purposes other than treatment of a medical condition. Penalty 7 Should this policy be violated the offending party may be subject to a suspension, or in severe situations, expulsion. The severity of the suspension shall be determined by the OHC Rules and Ethics Committee on a case by a case basis. In determining the appropriate penalty the OHC Rules and Ethics Committee shall review the past history of the offending party as well as the specific circumstances to the case.

The process to file an official complaint for Board review at our next monthly meeting. 

  1. Reach out to the coach for clarification on the issue if it's hockey related.
  2. Reach out to the VP of Hockey Operations via email if coach was unresponsive or you feel your complaint needs to be escalated.
  3. Fill out the OHC Complaint Form to bring your complaint to the Board's attention. This will become a discussion topic at our next monthly meeting (you might be asked to attend said meeting to help understand the situation)

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